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Anyone in the world

近日來,至少3種以上的主要疫苗即將問世的消息接踵不斷(Luiz:其一來自我們的母校牛津大學,Matt:儘管這點跟他毫無關係,瞧他驕傲的勒.....Luiz : 嘿嘿! ) 近來籠罩在黑暗與死亡的威脅之中,對於這樣的消息,我們可說終於迎來 'light at the end of the tunnel 隧道的盡頭出現曙光→柳暗花明又一村、撥雲見日、苦盡甘來!' 終於有望走出 Covid 新冠病毒的陰霾迎來曙光(Luiz : 台灣嚴格來說不算太糟…Matt : 沒錯!但世界其他各處仍深受其害!)。如果你常聽 CNN 或 BBC 頻道,相信你會常聽到這片語。這句話自1962年被甘迺迪總統引用後,至今廣為流傳。
News abounds recently of no less than 3 major vaccines coming down the pipeline (Luiz: including one from our very own Oxford University Matt: He's so proud! Even though he had nothing to do with it... Luiz: Hey!). Amid all the darkness and death recently, we can say that there is 'light at the end of the tunnel!' There is hope that we will come out of the Covid tunnel and into the light (Luiz: but Taiwan isn't really in the tunnel... Matt: True! But the rest of the world still is!). Listen to CNN or the BBC and you will hear this phrase often. It became popular after being used by President Kennedy in 1962.

有趣的是,支持川普的美國新聞台FOX新聞卻更偏好另一種說法,川普愛用的一句話 : 'rounding the curve 行經彎道'。事實上,你幾乎可以在他每次的談話中聽到這句話。English Sandwich 其實直到近日才常聽到這個片語,不過我們理解這句話的含意。開車過彎時總是比較危險,需要減速慢行且看不清前方道路,不過曲折之後,往往是一條平坦的康莊大道 (Luiz:為何不能是另一個曲折之路呢 ? Matt : 你毀了我的解釋 ! ) 因此,這個片語也近似 'a light at the end of the tunnel 撥雲見日之意'。為何川普較偏愛這句話呢 ? 因為 'light at the end of the tunnel' 暗示我們正身處黑暗之中,而川普堅決否認病毒對美國造成的嚴重影響。對川普而言,沒有所謂暗夜籠罩,'Rounding a curve ' 不過是行經彎道,只要持續前行,不會有什麼大問題,只是蜿蜒而行,事情總會豁然開朗。
Interestingly, Fox News, which is the American news station that favors Trump, has preferred a different phrase, a phrase that Trump also prefers: 'rounding the curve'. In fact, he says it almost every time you hear him speak. We at English Sandwich had not really heard this phrase often until recently, but we know what it means. Going around a corner when driving a car is always more dangerous, you need to go slower, and you can't see the road ahead. After a curve, comes a nice clear straight road (Luiz - why can't there be another curve? Matt - you are ruining my explanation!). So this phrase is similar to 'a light at the end of the tunnel'. Why does Trump prefer it? Because 'light at the end of the tunnel' suggests we are in darkness now, in a tunnel, and Trump has resolutely refused to accept the virus in America is serious. For Trump, there is no tunnel. 'Rounding a curve' suggests driving forward, movement, no big problem, just a curve in the road, and then things get better.

How interesting the difference in meaning a phrase can make!

請大家保重!沒錯! 'light at the end of the tunnel! 我們終將撥雲見日!'
Stay safe everyone - and yes, there IS 'light at the end of the tunnel!'

Anyone in the world

本週在美國,民主黨人和拜登的支持者都鬆了一口氣,因為川普終於同意開始 ' transition 過渡/交接 ' 進程,讓拜登的團隊開始獲得情報和其它政府簡報以做準備。儘管川普所有的法律訴訟都慘敗,他至今仍未承認敗選。他如專制者般試圖向行政官員施壓,以推翻投票結果。所幸在民主精神的加持下,此舉也未能得逞。然而,他終於允許啟動過渡是件好事,現在距離拜登就任總統僅剩2個月,他的團隊需要政府和相關資訊來對抗這次的疫情。
In the US, Democrats and Biden supporters breathe a sigh of relief this week, as Trump has finally allowed the 'transition' to a new government to begin, letting Biden's team begin to get intelligence and other government briefings, and get ready for government. Trump still has not conceded the election, despite his legal battles all failing miserably. He has also tried to pressure officials to overturn the people's vote, in a move that is worthy of a dictator. Luckily for democracy, this too failed. But it is good he has allowed the transition as there are only two months now until Biden becomes President, and they need government and information to fight the pandemic.

'Transition 過渡' 一詞來自拉丁字根 'trans- 跨越' ( 試想 'Transformers 變形金剛',可以從車子轉變為機器人)。因此,過渡就是從一件事到另一件事的活動或轉變。以一個較長的單字而言,它具有較為正式的感覺,因此 'transition' 適用於政府和重大事件。
The word 'transition' comes from the latin root 'trans-' meaning to go across (think of the robot 'Transformers' who can change from car to robot). So a transition is a movement or change across from one thing to another. As a longer word, it has a more formal feeling, so it is appropriate for government and serious events.

該怎麼記住它呢? 'trans' 是一個值得記住的拉丁字,因為它在很多詞彙中都被運用 ( 'transport 運輸' 、'transformer 變壓器'、'translate 翻譯'、'transexual 變性/跨性別者'等…)。'sition' 聽來像 'sit 坐'、'station 車站' 的結合。所以,記住這個句子:'Biden sits in the station and talks to a transexual as he waits for the transition. 拜登在等待過渡的過程中坐在車站與一位跨性別者交談' 。trans 跨越 + sit 坐+ station 車站 = transition 過渡。這句子乍聽之下似乎很難 ( 確實如此)!不過,其中有多個記憶串連點,若你忘記其中一部份,其餘的部份有助於幫你回想!而且你還同時學到 'transexual 變性' 這個字!而上述句中呈現的畫面也荒誕到令人難忘 !
How to remember it? Well it is worth learning the latin 'trans' as it is used in many words ('transport', 'transformer', 'translate', 'transexual' etc). 'sition' sounds like 'sit', 'station'. So remember this sentence: 'Biden sits in the station and talks to a transexual as he waits for the transition.' trans + sit + station = transition. This sentence seems hard (and it IS!) but there are multiple memory hooks here so if you forget part of it - the rest of the sentence can help you! And you learn the word 'transexual' for free! The image of Biden sitting in a train station talking to a transexual is absurd enough to be memorable too!

Have a great week mastering English everyone!
Anyone in the world

戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距離真的可以讓你遠離 Covid 新冠病毒嗎 ? 有充分的證據顯示這樣做的確有助於防疫,然而我們仍舊心存疑慮。直至今日,在美國仍有許多人懷疑這些措施的效力,甚至不願配合。戴不戴口罩在美國仍是一個熱門話題。不過,我們有句話可以回答這個問題 : "Better safe than sorry 有備無患 / 小心駛得萬年船 " Can masks, hand-washing and social distancing really save you from Covid? The evidence strongly suggests yes, but we cannot be absolutely sure. Many in America still, to this day, doubt the efficacy of these measures so much that they don't even want to do them. To mask or not to mask is still a hot issue in the United States. But we have a phrase which answers this question: "Better safe than sorry."

這簡單來說就是:如果沒有把握則應小心為上,而非疏於防範以致後悔莫及。戴口罩可能不怎麼舒服,但這是對抗病毒相對簡單的方式。勤洗手、保持社交距離甚至可能更為容易。因此,有何不可呢?先不論是否有用,你仍有可能會染疫,然而姑且一試又何妨? "Better safe than sorry 有備無患 / 小心駛得萬年船" !我們喜歡英語中的音節押韻,所以句中兩個單字對稱的 's' 音聽起來格外悅耳!
This simply means that if you are not sure, it is better to be more careful, not less, or you might regret it later. Wearing a mask might be uncomfortable, but it is a relatively simple way to fight the virus. Hand-washing and social distancing might be even easier. So why not do them? It might help, it might not, you might still get the virus, but what is the harm in trying? "Better safe than sorry!" We love alliteration in English, so the double 's' in the two words here sounds extra good!

祝大家接下來的一週持續精進英文!記住:凡事 "Better safe than sorry 有備無患!"
Have a great week everyone, and remember: 'better be safe than sorry!'
Anyone in the world

Let's face it: it is easy to upset people with words. This is a lesson I feel Asians know far better than Westerners. A big difference between Western and Asian culture is our attitudes towards confrontation. Westerners often take the direct route, speak their mind, seek challenge and direct confrontation. Outgoing President Trump might be the ultimate example of this: he speaks his mind to the point of obnoxiousness - and his followers love him for it. But Asians often know when not to speak, when silence is better (though, arguably, this may just commute solving problems to another time, or not solve them at all). But is there a middle ground? Yes - speaking, but speaking 'tactfully'.
在2021年需要多銘記的一詞 A word we all need to think about more in 2021
這個字的背景讓我驚訝。我原以為它與“tactics 戰略”一詞的字根相同,這挺合乎邏輯。但我錯了, 它其實來自拉丁語的 “tactus 觸覺”。因此,這個單字意含對他人的感受敏感。
The history of this word surprised me. I thought it came from the same root as the word 'tactics' - that would have been logical. But I was wrong. It comes from latin 'tactus' meaning a sense of touch. So the word has the feeling of being sensitive to the feelings of others.

最近,當選的拜登總統以他的“tact 圓融/老練/機智” 讓我留下深刻印象。他當然可以有話直說,他甚至曾在辯論中請川普“shut up 閉嘴”而聲名大噪,或稱川普為“the worst President in American history 美國史上最糟總統”。川普拒絕退讓承認拜登勝選。拜登本可輕易發動猛烈攻勢、甚至可以祭出法律手段讓川普出局。不過,反之,他一直保持耐性沉著以對,並未用言辭羞辱川普或進一步使他難堪。這點展現極大的成熟度,與川普暴躁、報復心切的個性形成強烈對比。
President Elect Biden has impressed me recently with his 'tact'. He certainly can speak directly, even famously telling Trump to 'shut up' during a debate, or calling him 'the worst President in American history.' Trump has refused to concede the election and recognise Biden has won. Biden could easily have attacked hard, even used legal attacks to force Trump out. But, instead, he has been patient and cool, and not used words to insult Trump or embarrass him further. This shows great maturity, and is in stark contrast to Trump's petulance and vengefulness.
A word we all need to think about more in 2021
我們可以說一個人有“tact 機智/手段”、或形容他們“tactful 圓滑/得體/委婉 ”或“tactfully 有手段地”。 不過該如何記住這個字呢?簡單!記住這句話:“to act or speak with care - that is tactful! 謹慎行事、小心說話 -就是得體!” 句中 to act 行動 = tact 得體。
We can say a person has 'tact', or is 'tactful' or speaks 'tactfully'. But how to remember this word? Easy! Remember this sentence: "to act or speak with care - that is tactful!" to act = tact.

祝大家接下來的一週持續精進英文!說話要圓融喔 !
Have a great week mastering English everyone! And remember to be tactful!

Anyone in the world

我必須承認,English Sandwich 最近有些過度沉迷美國大選。歷史上有些重要的時刻,就像眼看火車失事正以慢速發生,很難轉移視線 ( Luiz : 我可以 ! Matt : 你當然可以!你會拔腿就跑 ! ) 。毫無疑問地,我們見證了一場失敗的政變,一場可能終結美國民主的政變。川普聲稱,能讓他大選落敗唯一的方式就是有心人士的操縱,這顯示出一個像他這樣的權力主義者,正掌管世界最大的民主國家。一個獨裁領袖只有在民主與他立場相同的情況下,才會重視民主。然而當民主與其立場相悖時,他們動輒失去耐性,處心積慮讓民主屈居於自己的意圖之下。所幸,美國的民主精神已經展現它強大的力量,特別是法官身為憲法監督者表現恪盡職守,並非只是遵行總統意向 ( 這點正是美國與其他獨裁政權的主要差異) 。
We have to admit, we have been a bit obsessed with the American election at English Sandwich recently. There are times in history when it is like watching a train wreck happen in slow motion - you just can't look away (Luiz - I can look away! Matt - sure, you would be running!)! Make no mistake, we have just witnessed a failed coup in America, a coup that could have ended American democracy. Trump's assertion that the only way he could lose an election was if it was rigged against him, has revealed him as an authoritarian leader at the helm of the largest democracy in the world! And an authoritarian leader only has time for democracy as long as it supports him. When democracy turns against them, they have little patience for it, and seek to bend it to their will. Fortunately, America's democracy has shown its strength, particularly in the way the judges have done their jobs as watchdogs of the constitution, rather than serving the President's will (and this is the key difference between America and other dictatorships).

然而,儘管大敗,川普仍然拒絕讓步。他的自負讓他無法接受自己會輸的可能。在他訴諸法律挑戰的同時也昭告天下他即將連任。美國多數的專家都認為川普現正處於 'denial 否認' 狀態。'denial' 這個字來自拉丁語,'de-' 意指正式地,而 'negare' 意表否定 ( 它和 'negative 消極' 源自相同字根)。因此,'denial 否認' 適用於許多連續的情境。我們常說,人在哀悼所愛的人逝去時,可能會經歷'denia 否認' 的階段,因為我們無法面對失去的現實 ( 而川普現在正是 'in a state of denial 處於否認狀態' ) 。
Yet, despite losing big, Trump has still refused to concede. His ego simply cannot accept the possibility he could lose. He is launching legal challenges and still saying he is going to have a second term. Most pundits in America now argue Trump is in 'denial'. The word comes from latin 'de-' meaning formally, and 'negare' meaning no (we get the word 'negative' from the same root). So 'denial' is suitable for more series situations. We often say someone grieving over a dead loved one may pass through a 'denial' stage where they cannot face the loss (this is where Trump is now 'in a state of denial').

要如何記住這個不常見的字 ? Well~ 有個很棒的美式笑話:"Denial is not a river in Egypt. 否認不是埃及河"。'Denial' 聽來和 'The Nile 尼羅河' - 埃及的大河相似 。讓我們利用這點!記住這個句子: "Trump is in denial that the Nile is a River in Egypt! 川普否認尼羅河是埃及的一條河" ( Luiz : 你覺得這很好笑 ? Matt:well...是沒有川普認為自己贏了這麼好笑啦!不過… ) 。
How to remember this less than common word? Well, there is a great American joke. "Denial is not a river in Egypt." 'Denial' sounds like 'The Nile' - the name of the large Egyptian River. So let's use that! Remember this sentence: "Trump is in denial that the Nile is a River in Egypt!" (Luiz - you think that's a great joke? Matt - well, not as funny as Trump thinking he has won, but...).

Have a great week mastering English everyone!
Anyone in the world

當一個政治人物被投票否決,但仍掌權直至任期結束,我們稱之為 'lame duck 跛腳鴨' 。隨著拜登贏得選舉,川普現在可說是 'lame duck' 總統。
When a politician has been voted out, but is still in power now until the date when his term ends, we call them a 'lame duck'. With Biden winning the election, Trump is now a 'lame duck' president.

' Lame 跛足/瘸 ' 這個字意指動物的腳或翅膀損傷,以致不良於行或無法飛翔 - 因此顯得脆弱無用,無法正常活動。這句話起源於倫敦證卷交易所,意指無法償還債務的股票經紀人 (因而顯得無能)。不過,為什麼是鴨子?而不是羊或鵝?你和我的想法一樣…,不過鴨子有些滑稽的地方 ( 可能是牠們發出的聲音?) 在英國,我們經常使用 'lame 跛腳 / 蹩腳' 這個俚語,來形容一些拙劣差勁的東西。( 如 : 'that movie was so lame 那部電影實在太廢了!' ) 。
The word 'lame' means an animal that has a leg or wing broken and so cannot walk or fly - it is therefore vulnerable and useless, unable to function properly. The phrase originated in the London Stock Exchange to mean a stockbroker who could not pay their debts (and so was useless). Why duck, not sheep or goose? Your guess is as good as mine - but there is something funny about ducks (maybe the sound they make?). In slang, we often say 'lame' in England to mean something rubbish (like: 'that movie was so lame!').

因此,川普的任期直至一月,然而他真的會是 ' lame duck 跛腳鴨 '嗎 ? 可能會是具備殺傷力的跛腳鴨。如今他仍是總統,若他決定當個小心眼、毫無器量的人 ( 他的確就是這樣的人 ),還是可以造成很大的損害。他已經開始開除他的執政團隊。我們將會看到這個跛腳鴨接下來要做的事。他當然不可能專注抗疫,而是全力以赴對選舉過程挑起法律爭端。
So Trump is still in power until January. But is he really a 'lame duck'? Perhaps a lame duck with teeth. He is still president, and if he decided to be petty (which he is) could still do a lot of damage. He has already begun firing members of his administration. We shall see what this lame duck does next. He is certainly not focused on fighting coronavirus - putting all his energy instead into trying to mount legal challenges to the election process.



可以看到歐巴馬在總統任期結束時,談到自己成為 ‘lame duck 跛腳鴨’… 。
Watch Obama talking at the end of his presidency about being a 'lame duck'...

Anyone in the world

許多心理學家認定川普是一個 'narcissist 自戀者' 。'narcissist 自戀者' 是愛自己勝過一切的人。不過總歸一句,我們都愛自己對吧?這點應該不算太糟。然而,自戀者不僅止於此,他們極其自我,相信自己是世界的中心,甚至在某種程度上相信自己是猶如神一般的存在。
A number of psychologists have identified Trump as being a 'narcissist'. A 'narcissist' is a person who loves themself above all others. But, in the end, we all love ourselves right? That's not so bad. But a narcissist goes further than that - they have an immense ego. They believe they are at the centre of the world, and may even believe they are some kind of God.
這個奇妙的希臘單字告訴我們川普為何不適任總統。 This amazing Greek word tells us why Trump was never fit to be President.
The word has a fascinating origin. It is named after the Greek God Narcissus. Narcissus is famous for falling in love with his own reflection, and then killed himself because he could not touch the person he saw in the water.

現在,可以肯定的是,想要成為美國總統,你需要很自負。而川普最近的舉止充分表明了自己的確是最高等級的自戀狂。他說 ' me ' 和 ' I ' 的頻率高得驚人 ( 相較之下,其他的政治人物會說 'we' )。選舉失利後,他用全大寫字母在推特上寫道:“I WON THIS ELECTION BY A LOT! 我以壓倒性的勝利贏得了這次選舉!” 但這還不算他最驚人的言論。他甚至曾經誇口自己即使在光天化日之下當街射殺某人,依舊會獲得民眾投票支持(若你不敢置信他會這麼說,可以參見以下連結: / watch?v = iTACH1eVIaA)。當他感染新冠病毒時,並未對因此喪命的許多群眾產生同理心,而是高談闊論自己個人戰勝病毒的勝利。在大流行期間,他不但未戴口罩、也未保持安全社交距離參加集會,對他而言,獲得選票遠比防堵病毒重要。現下,他無心領導政府運作,而是傾全力在法庭上質疑選舉結果。此次選舉純粹關乎他個人,這是再簡單不過的事實。對川普而言,自己可能成為輸家的想法是不可思議的。他寧為玉碎,也不可能承認自己的失敗。
Now, to be sure, you need a big ego to want to become President of the USA. But Trump's behavior recently has made it abundantly clear that he is indeed a narcissist of the highest order. It is amazing how often he says 'me' and 'I' (compared to other politicians saying 'we'). After he lost the election, he tweeted all in capital letters: "I WON THIS ELECTION BY A LOT!" But that's hardly his most shocking statement. He once boasted that he could shoot a man in the middle of the street in broad daylight and people would still vote for him (if you don't believe he said that - you can watch him here When he caught coronavirus, he did not empathise with the many others who died, but talked about his own personal triumph. He ran rallies without masks or social distancing during a pandemic, because getting votes was more important to him than stopping the virus. And he is now totally focused on challenging the election result in the courts, instead of leading. This election was about him, pure and simple. And for Trump, the idea he could lose, is unthinkable. He would rather burn the whole house down, rather than have to admit he did not succeed.
This amazing Greek word tells us why Trump was never fit to be President.
因此,如何記住這個棘手的單字?嗯… ' narcissist ' 這單字中有個聽來像 'ass' 的發音,就讓我們利用這點 ! 記住這個好笑的句子:"No Trump, don't be an ass! 不!川普!別蠢了!助理說… !"
No 不 + ass 蠢 + assistant 助理 = narcissist 自戀者 ! 此外,記些數字也有助於記住拼法,此單字中共有1個 'c' 和 3個 's' !
So how to remember this tricky word? Well, 'narcissist' has the sound of the word 'ass' inside it - so let's use that! Remember this funny sentence: "No Trump, don't be an ass!" said his assistant. No + ass + assistant = narcissist! It's also helpful to remember some numbers - 1 'c' and 3 's' for the spelling!

牛津英語大師祝大家接下來一週持續精進英文!( 持續關注川普這位自戀狂,看看他接下來有何驚人之舉!)
Have a great week mastering English, everyone (and keep an eye on Trump the narcissist and what he is going to do next!).
Anyone in the world

廣告看起來很單純,一位芭雷舞者正穿上舞鞋,廣告台詞寫著 'Fatima's next job could be in cyber (she just doesn't know it yet). Fatima的下一份工作可能是在網路上 (只是她還不知道罷了) '。這是政府鼓勵人民 'reskilling 再培訓',特別是在疫情大爆發之後,學習新技能以獲得新工作。然而,為何會在網路上引起軒然大波呢?
It looks innocent enough. A ballet dancer putting on her shoes and the lines 'Fatima's next job could be in cyber (she just doesn't know it yet).' This is a part of a government effort to encourage 'reskilling' - people learning new skills to get new jobs, especially in the wake of the pandemic. So why did the internet explode in anger?

問題是,它可能意外地暗示了這個女孩現在正在做的事 ( 芭雷 ),一個具創意、藝術性的職業是沒有前途可言的,而與商業相關的職業 (如網路安全) 才是正解 。廣告是在疫情期間導致劇院和電影院關閉、藝術行業陷入生死交關之際推出。近日英國國內疫情演變得如此嚴峻,以致於音樂劇大師Andrew Lloyd Webber 揚言要在海外,而不在他的祖國英國本地推出新音樂劇。
The problem is, it suggests, possibly accidentally, that what the girl is doing now (ballet), a creative, artistic career, has no future, and that a more business-focused career (cyber-security) is the answer. This comes at a time when the lockdown of theatres and cinemas due to the pandemic has put the art industry on life support. Things have recently gotten so bad in the UK that Andrew Lloyd Webber is threatening to open his new musical abroad instead of in his native UK.

當然,這種自恃甚高看待藝術的態度並非新鮮事。 實際上,它來自非常古老的傳統。在莎士比亞時代,演員和女演員被視為社會最低階層的行業之一,幾乎與娼妓沒有區別。最近,我寫了一篇有關Ken Robinson 爵士逝世的文章,他是TED上最多瀏覽數的講者(請參閱此處:),他畢生致力於爭取教育界對創意學科,猶如對理科、數學等STEM學科之同等重視。而傳統這種高高在上看待藝術行業的邏輯很簡單:科學和商業可以帶來巨富。而藝術家都是一窮二白,幾乎付不起賬單,不是嗎?
This condescending attitude towards the arts is, of course, nothing new. In fact, it has a very old tradition. In Shakespeare''s times, actors and actresses were considered one of the lowest rungs of society, barely any different from prostitutes. Recently, I wrote an article about the death of Sir Ken Robinson, the most viewed speaker on TED (read it heresmile who spent his whole life campaigning for creative subjects to be given equal status to STEM subjects like Science and Maths. The logic is simple - science and business bring in the big bucks. Artists are all poor and can barely pay their bills, right?

然而,有些數字似乎不支持這樣的論點,在2018年,創意產業 ( 我們避免使用 'arts 藝術' 這個多數人眼中的貶義字 ) 為英國賺進1110億英鎊。那不是筆小數目。倫敦西區劇院是首都最受遊客青睞的景點之一。試著買張 Harry Potter 的票吧!我看你買不買得到 !?相較之下,英國的金融產業,包括銀行、保險、股票市場,經常被視為英國最重要的金雞母,為英國帶來1320億英鎊的收益,肯定是比創意產業賺錢,但差距不大。而創意產業的收益仍在繼續增長,會不會有一天,英國可能從中獲得比銀行業更大的收益呢 ? 隨著英鎊下跌和英國脫毆在即,我想這點幾乎是可以肯定的。
Yet the numbers just don't support this idea - in 2018 the creative industries (lets not use the dirty word 'arts') earned the UK 111 billion pounds. That's not small money. London's theatrical West End is one of the capital's biggest draws for tourists. Try getting tickets for the Harry Potter play - I dare you! For comparison, the UK's finance industry - that's banks, insurance, stock market - often touted as the UK's most important money-earner, brought in 132 billion pounds - a bit more to be sure, but not a LOT more. And the creative industries continue to grow - could there be a time when the UK makes more from this than banking? With the pounds falling and Brexit going ahead - I would say it's almost guaranteed.

一個不言而喻的事實,創意佔據我們一半大腦,決定我們半數行為。另一半是解決問題的能力。 我們理當將學習創意與解決問題的科目置於相同立足點。當然,不僅只有“藝術”相關科目受益於創意 - 科學家、商人、和銀行家也必須具有相當的創意,才能適時找出解決方案、提出新觀點。
The simple truth is, creativity is half of our brain - half of everything we do. The other half is problem-solving. So of course creativity should be given equal footing to problem-solving subjects. And of course, it is not only 'arts' subjects that benefit from creativity - scientists, businessmen and bankers need to be creative too in order to find solutions and have new ideas.

難怪這則廣告會招致這麼大的負評。若是出於經濟因素或對當前工作不滿,民眾只要有意願當然可以接受再培訓。但是,我們不應該暗示他們現在的工作微不足道或毫無價值可言,尤其是這些經常遭人輕蔑的創意產業,實際上也可以創造很好的收益。不過,民眾對此幽默反擊。看看這張民眾用來自製廣告的英國首相 Boris Jonson 照片(上圖):Boris 的下個工作可能是在冷藏室-被打入冷宮(只是他還不知道… smile)。
So no wonder this advert caused such a stink. Of course people can retrain if they wish to, for economic reasons or because they hate their current job. But we should not suggest the job they are doing now is worthless, particularly the often-maligned creative industry that is actually doing very well at earning money. But people have responded with humor. Check out the picture of UK prime minister Boris Jonson (above) that people have used to make their own ad: Boris's next job could be in refrigeration (he just doesn't know it yet).
Anyone in the world

在英國長大的青少年史恩.康納萊,以飾演007出名,對我來說是個偶像。我會花時間在鏡子前模仿他挑眉 ( 我挑眉地功力如今挺棒滴…)。我學會絲毫不差地模仿他強烈的口音。我甚至嘗試複製他走路的形態,有種似豹般的優雅。

Growing up a young man in the UK, Sean Connery, in his famous role as 007, was something of an idol to me. I would spend time in front of the mirror trying to make one eyebrow raise higher than the other like he could (something I learned to do very well). I learned to perfectly imitate his strong accent. I even tried to copy the way he walked - with a kind of panther-like grace.

幾乎每位擔綱 007詹姆斯·龐德的演員都很出色,但仍有許多人認為史恩.康納萊是最棒的。然而,要扮演好007這個角色對康納萊而言並不是件容易的事。的確,雖然007是英國人,然而康納萊是蘇格蘭人。 身為一個年輕演員,他有著極為強烈的蘇格蘭口音。他之所以能得到 007這個角色,主要歸功於製片人喜歡他走路的樣子。然而他的腔調和發音是個嚴重的問題。他們擔心觀眾會難以理解他。 他不得不去上發聲課,學習咬字清晰、帶點女王說話的英語口音。有趣的是,康納萊爾後又輾轉成為蘇格蘭現任領導人Nicola Sturgeon的嗓音指導。

Pretty much every James Bond actor has been great, but many still say Sean Connery was the best. But Connery did not come easily to the role of 007. Indeed, while 007 is English, Connery is a Scot. And as a young actor he had an extremely strong Scottish accent. He was given the role of 007 largely because the producers loved the way he walked. But his accent and pronunciation were a serious problem. They worried audiences would barely understand him. He had to have elocution lessons to learn to speak clearly and with a more Queen's English accent. Amusingly, Conery was later in turn to voice coach Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's current leader.


007 became perhaps the UK's most famous cinematic character, and came to even embody something of Britishness itself. An underdog, one man against a larger more powerful organization, as tiny Britain also faces larger threats. Winning through intelligence and innovation, rather than just brute strength. Refinement and charm, and yet with a healthy disrespect for authority and class.


But if ever you struggle with being understood, or you think your English accent sucks, remember Sean Connery. The man who came to embody Britishness, was once impossible to understand.

一起看看他首次以007身份在 'Dr.No' 中露面!

Watch his first ever appearance as 007 in 'Dr.No' above!

Anyone in the world

無論明天美國大選發生什麼事,有一個結果是肯定的:將會有很多“malarkey 胡言亂語”!這是Joe Biden 拜登最喜歡的用字之一(美國喜劇綜藝《週六夜現場》甚至曾以此開玩笑 - 影片連結: )。他常指責反對者 'saying a load of malarkey 胡扯一通!' 。 Marlarkey 意為 'nonsense 胡言亂語' 或 'rubbish 鬼話',但也可意指 'doing stupid or evil things 做蠢事或壞事'。由於總統川普不惜一切的想保住權力,我們幾乎可以斷言下禮拜會看到 malarkey !

Whatever happens tomorrow in the US Election, there is one result that is certain: there is going to be a LOT of 'malarkey'! This is one of Joe Biden's favorite words (the US comedy show Saturday Night Live even joked on this - see this video link! He often accuses his opponents of 'saying a load of malarkey'. Marlarkey means 'nonsense' or 'rubbish', but it could also mean 'doing stupid or evil things'. With President Trump desperate to keep power no matter what, we are almost guaranteed to be seeing malarkey next week!

這個字的起源不可考 ! 它可能來自希臘 'malakos' 一字,意指柔軟;也可能來自愛爾蘭的名字 'Mullarkey'。不過,它最有可能來自愛爾蘭裔美國人Thomas Dorgan 的漫畫,他在書中創造了一個名為 'Milarkey' 虛構的地方 ( 據說他可能也發明了 'hot dog 熱狗' 一詞,儘管這兩個字也可能都不是他的發明)。

The word's origins are uncertain! It might come from Greek 'malakos' meaning soft. It might come from an Irish name 'Mullarkey'. It most likely comes from cartoons by Irish-America Thomas Dorgan who created a fictional place, 'Milarkey' (people also think he may have invented the word 'hot dog' - though he probably did not invent either word).

不管這個字出自何處,這個有趣的字至今仍被廣泛使用。我們可以說 'I don't believe all that malarkey',意思是我不相信聽到的那些鬼話。'There will be lots of malarkey in the US election 在美國大選中會有很多詭計、佈局和下流的把戲' 。

Wherever it comes from, this funny word is still much in use today. We can say, 'I don't believe all that malarkey' to mean you don't believe the nonsense you heard. 'There will be lots of malarkey in the US election', means schemes, plots and devious tricks.

怎麼記住它呢 ? 首先,前半部 'mala' 聽起來像中文的藥膳火鍋 'malaguo 麻辣鍋' 。而 'key' 則非常簡單,意指鑰匙或關鍵。所以記住這個好笑的句子 : "The key to a good malaguo is filling it with lots of red malarkey! 麻辣鍋美味的關鍵就是整鍋加滿紅通通的鬼扯蛋!" 這個記憶提示包含多個串連可以幫你回想這個詞,mala ( malaguo 麻辣鍋) + r ( red 紅色) + key (關鍵)。即使你忘記了一部份,剩下的部份也會觸發你的記憶,填補遺忘的部份 !

How to remember it? Well the first part 'mala' sounds like Chinese medicine hot pot 'malaguo'. And 'key' is an easy word meaning keys or something important. So remember this silly sentence: "The key to a good malaguo is filling it with lots of red malarkey!" This memory tip has lots of hooks to help you recall the word - mala (from malaguo) + r (from red) + key. Even if you forget some of it, the rest will trigger your memory to fill in the missing parts!

留意明天 ! 將有連篇的胡言亂語 !
Watch carefully tomorrow! There's going to be malarkey!