Advance your writing by combining dialogue, music, humor, lyrics and dance to create a new musical!

Skill Level: Beginner

Take your grammar, acting and lightsabre skills to the next level in Drammar Level 2!

Skill Level: Beginner

Something to share or a skill to teach? Speak to the world in English by creating your own Channel!

Skill Level: Beginner

Learn business skills, vocab, confidence and advanced grammar as you act out real-life situations from the business world!

Skill Level: Beginner

Ever wanted to make a movie? Now's your chance! Learn all about film-making and then practise your English writing skills as you come up with the next hot script for a new movie! Storyboard it, film it, edit it, and show your finished movie to an audience!

Skill Level: Beginner


Play games and act in scenes to perfect your English grammar, pronunciation, accent and intonation!

  • This little-known learning shortcut is based on the research of language expert Noam Chomsky, who found that a part of our brain called the LAD (Language Acquisition Device) can naturally construct grammar rules from language input. In other words - you don't need to study grammar. Use the language, and let your mind write the grammar rules. 
  • The Drammar program accelerates this process by focusing activities on each grammar structure in turn, and uses drama to aid understanding and usage.
  • Drammar will help you gain confidence in speaking out in English - lose your shyness! In fact, speaking the English becomes natural during the rehearsal process, such that you no longer need to think about it!
  • Improve your pronunciation, intonation and accent.
  • Work with experienced actors, directors and English teachers.
  • Gaining an intuitive 'sense' of grammar will make many language exams which involve choosing the correct grammar to a sentence far easier - exams such as TOEIC, GEPT and SAT.
  • Suitable for learners ages 7 to adult.

Skill Level: Beginner

Learn hundreds of phrasal verbs as you work on your improvisation skills!

Skill Level: Beginner