Blog entry by Joanne Chuang

Anyone in the world

幾個月以來,川普總統一直不鼓勵戴口罩,甚至公開嘲諷他的政治對手 Joe Biden 戴口罩。他私下舉行的集會和會議中,無人戴上口罩或保持社交距離。對川普而言,戴上口罩有損他企圖營造出強而無畏的形象,他同時希望握有投票權的公眾可以忘了冠狀病毒 (更重要的是,他希望大眾可以忘了他在控制冠狀病毒的表現上實在不怎麼樣…)。他宣稱這個病毒並不嚴重 ( 儘管他曾公開憂心地稱此病毒為 ”殺手” )。

For months President Trump has been discouraging of mask wearing, and even openly mocked his political rival, Joe Biden, for wearing one. He has held rallies and meetings in private where no-one was wearing a mask or social distancing. For Trump, wearing a mask damages his brand - he wants to appear strong and unafraid, and he wants the voting public to forget about coronavirus (and more importantly forget that he hasn't done a very good job controlling it). He told the public that the virus was not serious (even though he was publicly recorded fearfully calling it 'a killer').

因此,儘管看到任何人染疫都不是一件好事,但我們不禁認為川普確診新冠病毒不過是早晚的事,多少算是咎由自取,彷彿天意註定懲罰他對病毒、及其他試圖透過戴口罩防止病毒傳播群眾的輕蔑。 在英文中,我們可以說川普得到他應有的懲罰 'just deserts',這裡的 'deserts 應得的賞罰' 來自 'deserves 應受' 一字,可說他得到應有的懲罰。不過 'deserts' 聽來有點像 'desserts 甜點' 一詞,可以想像一下,川普得吃下摻雜了令人作噁的 Covid-19布丁作為懲罰,這將有助於記住這個片語 ! (其實,英國有部很棒的喜劇電影 "Hot Fuzz - 終棘警探 " 就曾開過這樣的玩笑,片中一位警察局長在吃冰淇淋時說道 : 罪犯得到他們應有的懲罰 'just deserts' !

So, though it is never nice to see a fellow human being suffer, but one can't help feel that Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis was not just inevitable, it was somewhat deserved, as if fate were punishing him for his lack of respect for the virus (and for others who tried to prevent its spread by wearing masks). In English, we can say Trump got his 'just deserts' - the 'deserts' here comes from the word 'deserves' - so he is getting a punishment he deserves. But it sounds like the word 'desserts' - so imagine Trump having to eat a disgusting Covid-19 pudding as punishment and that will help you remember the phrase! (Indeed, an excellent British comedy movie "Hot Fuzz" actually made this joke when a police chief talked about criminals getting their 'just deserts' whilst eating some ice cream!

你也認為川普是得到應有的懲罰嗎? 請在下方留言讓我們聽聽你怎麼想 !
Do you think Trump deserves this 'just deserts'? Let us know in the comment below!

[ Modified: Thursday, 15 October 2020, 11:07 AM ]