Entri blog oleh Matt Townend

Siapa pun di dunia

是這樣的,我是Sushi Express爭鮮壽司的忠實顧客。我愛它、我愛它的食物、看著食物從我眼前傳遞而過讓我垂涎不止、我愛它的服務、我愛它的定價(即使價格並非真的便宜,但比起英國的壽司還是划算得多)。身為忠實鐵粉,本篇文章絕不是針對他們品牌的攻擊。

Ok - so I am a big fan of Sushi Express. I love it. I love the food, the experience of watching the food conveyed past my drooling mouth, I love the service, I love the price (much cheaper than the UK's sushi even if not exactly cheap). So this is no way an attack on their brand, of which I am a big fan.



最近我有一個不尋常的經歷:差別待遇, 在台灣,在這個我曾造訪過最友善的國家之一,更不用說久居於此了。因而,我有些詫異。

Recently I had an odd experience. Discrimination, in Taiwan, one of the most friendly countries I have ever visited, let alone lived in. I was a little shocked.


身為在台灣的外國人有遭受歧視的嗎? 我只是因為在台灣成為外國人而受到歧視嗎?


So I wasn't very close to anyone really, but suddenly I realised a black screen had been placed to my left, and then to my right. I was screened off now from those to either side of me. I thought nothing of this... until I realised I was the only one who had received these screens. Screens had not been placed down next to any other customers, despite the fact that some were obviously strangers and sitting closer together than I was.

嗯…現在外面是大熱天。大概是我看起來又熱又多汗?或許因為某種原因我看起來不太舒服?還是另一個客人感到緊張,要求的隔板?但這的確是我在台灣所遇到對外籍人士差別待遇的罕見案例。 我甚至偷偷地拍了幾張照片證明。

Hmmm. Now it was a hot day outside. Maybe I looked hot and sweaty? Maybe I looked less than well for some reason? Maybe another customer had felt nervous and asked for the screens. But it was I think a rare case of discrimination against a foreigner in Taiwan. And I even took a few sly pictures of the room to show it.

身為在台灣的外國人有遭受歧視的嗎? 我只是因為在台灣成為外國人而受到歧視嗎?


But I am not angry, And do you know why? At this moment, the pandemic is well under control in Taiwan. But the UK, or the USA? Not so much. And that's why I am hardly surprised a hot looking foreigner might get extra precautions applied. They don't know I live in Taiwan full time, or that I have not been out of Taiwan at all this year. They don't know where I've been. So I don't blame them at all - but I am a 'nice' foreigner. Get the wrong type of person noticing they are being treated differently, and they might get quite angry.

你怎麼想呢? 這樣的差別待遇是否情有可原呢?

What do you think? Is this kind of discrimination warranted or not?

[ Mengubah: Rabu, 7 Oktober 2020, 13:34 ]