
再過一兩週美國大選即將到來,美國總統聲稱選票上將出現大規模舞弊,而此次選舉可能出現不公 ( 當然,這僅適用於他輸了大選之時),此時, 'fraud 舞弊 / 欺詐' 這個字可就顯得至關重要了!
With a US election coming in a week or two, and with a US President claiming that there is going to be massive fraud in the ballot voting and that maybe the election will be unfair (only unfair if he doesn't win, of course), the word 'fraud' has never been so important!
'fraud' 來自拉丁文 'fraus 謊言' 一詞。不過,時至今日它的含義除了謊言之外,更多層面上指的是詭計或欺騙。
It comes from latin 'fraus' meaning a lie. However, these days it has more the meaning of a trick or cheating than just a lie.
該如何記住這個字呢?嗯…它聽來有點像美國的 'Ford 福特' 汽車公司。正當我因為把這家知名的汽車公司和舞弊一詞聯結在一起感到內疚不安時,剛好讀到福特公司因銷售劣質柴油發動機零件而遭定罪的消息。所以這樣的聯想也許並不全然不公。雖說很多汽車公司 ( 近期最知名的是福斯),都存在舞弊詐欺問題 。
And how to remember this word? Well, it sounds a bit like 'Ford' the American car company. And I was feeling guilty about associating this storied car company with cheating, until I read that Ford has just been convicted of fraud over selling bad Diesel engine parts. So maybe it's not so unfair. Though a lot of car companies (most famously Volkswagen recently) have had problems with fraud.
所以,記得這個句子:'I'm afraid that Ford (and other car companies) sometimes commit fraud. 恐怕福特 ( 和其它汽車公司) 有時會舞弊 '。Ford 和 fraud 聽來很相似但拼法不同,所以句中的 'afraid' 可以幫我們拼出這個字,因為它和 'fraud' 的拼法非常雷同 (只需把 i 換成 u )。
So remember this sentence. 'I'm afraid that Ford (and other car companies) sometimes commit fraud.' Ford / fraud - sound similar! But the spelling is different - so the word 'afraid' in the sentence helps us spell the word since it is almost the same spelling (just swap the i for u!).
所以,回到川普和他 'fraud 舞弊' 的主張。儘管毫無實證顯示郵寄投票會發生大規模舞弊,但真相對川普而言一向不怎麼重要。諷刺的是,川普自己被指控多項詐欺罪,包括因稅務詐欺而受到調查。現在選舉只剩2週時間!且讓我們靜觀其變!接下來的發展可能會很有意思!
So back to Trump and his 'fraud' claims. There is no evidence at all that mail-in voting causes mass fraud, but facts rarely seem to matter to Trump. Ironically, Trump has himself been accused of many frauds, including being investigated for tax fraud. Only 2 weeks now to the election! Let's see what happens! It's going to be interesting!
[ 修改时间: 2020年10月20日 星期二 18:14 ]